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Martin's insightful booklist

Latimer trust

This is a summary of recent books read by Martin Davie, compiling his evaluations. In this edition:

People not Pronouns: Reflections on Transgender Experience by Andrew Bunt

Excellent short introduction to the issue of transgender. Well rooted in the current debate, with first-hand experience . Concise, easy to read and packed with pastoral wisdom.

The First Book of Homilies:The Church of England's Official Sermons in Modern English by Lee Gatiss

Enormously helpful resource for Anglican trainees and anyone who wants to learn from the wisdom of our Anglican forebears about theological and ethical issues facing us today. Lightly edited version of sixteenth-century material

We Believe, Exploring The Nicene Faith by Alexander Irving

Detailed historical and theological study of the history and theology of the Nicene Creed, engaging with recent scholarship. Not an easy read for the newcomer to the topic. However, a vital and beneficial ‘work-out’ for those who are prepared to think hard about the relationship between Scripture and Tradition, the historical complexity of the development of Nicene orthodoxy during the course of the fourth century and its relevance to today.

Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality by Helen Joyce

Best-selling new book by The Economist’s Britain Editor. Joyce is a self-avowed atheist, writing from a secular feminist perspective on how and why people’s identity is no longer considered to be determined by their biological sex at birth. She argues that the consequences are damaging, particularly for women and young people. She considers the driving force to be a ‘transactivism’ campaign – not the wishes of the trans people themselves.

Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told by Brant Pitre

Roman Catholic theologian considers NT teaching that Jesus is the bridegroom and the church his bride. Central to a proper understanding of soteriology, spirituality and Christian sexual ethics. Based on up-to-date biblical scholarship, but very accessible. Written from overtly Roman Catholic perspective, but evangelicals will benefit from clear, straightforward exposition. Highly recommended.

To read the full reviews click here


Martin Davie is a research fellow with the Latimer Trust. He is the author of several books including LLF a concise introduction and review. You can find Martin's books here .

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