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May 19, 2020
Should I stay or should I go?
A book review on Gospel Trials In 1662 by Peter Adam Darling, you got to let me know Should I stay or should I go? If you say that you...

Apr 30, 2020
A short interview with Rob Smith, author of the newest Latimer Trust publication.
Confusion and conflict over church music continue to compromise the unity and witness of many churches today, so it is vital that our...

Jul 3, 2019
Most Rev Dr Benjamin Kwashi reviews 'Anglican Foundations' by Tim Patrick
The Most Rev Dr Benjamin Kwashi, Archbishop of Jos and Gafcon General Secretary, recommends Anglican Foundations by Tim Patrick "very...

May 22, 2019
Rob Munro reviews 'Resilience' by Kirsten Birkett
Rob Munro describes Resilience by Kirsten Birkett as a "great help as people reflect on how we can go the distance and live a lifetime in...

May 9, 2019
Johnny Juckes recommends 'Preaching' "without reservation"
Johnny Juckes, President of Oak Hill College, recommends Preaching by Allan Chapple. #Book #Review #Video

Apr 24, 2019
Reading and Preaching Emmanuel in Matthew
This book persuaded me to re-read Matthew and to preach through it in one go. Listen to Him is a collection of papers delivered at the...

Mar 21, 2019
Does God Speak to Us when we Pray?
A friend had highly recommended True Devotion to me last year, but it wasn’t until I began reading for an essay on my theological...

Feb 18, 2019
Lex Orandi Lex Credendi
The Latin phrase lex orandi, lex credendi (‘the law of praying is the law of believing’) is a phrase which is often used in Anglican...

Jan 2, 2019
Anglican Foundations
Most committed Anglicans are very familiar with some of the most important foundational documents of our communion. In particular, the...

Nov 14, 2018
Light from Dark Ages?
It seems that wherever you go in the church of England these days, you are never far from something that is described as ‘Celtic,’...

Sep 26, 2018
The Legacy of David Broughton Knox
Broughton Knox is probably not a household name among evangelical Anglicans today, yet the impact of his ministry, exercised in the...

Aug 28, 2018
Anglican Elders?
When John Stott wrote in 2007 that “There is no biblical warrant for the so-called one-man band, in which a single pastor, like a single...
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