Reflections on Luke 15 - part 2
As we continue these 'Parables of Lostness', we come to the the third movement which bring us at last to the finding and rejoicing.
3. Heaven's rejoicing.
What a revelation of the heart of God this is! How God longs to see those who are lost recovered, whetherhave wandered away, or whether they are lost at home where it had seemed that they had been in a place of safety. Today, we do not end this message on how or why they are lost. That is something that you will need to talk to the Father about. But we conclude on this note of rejoicing. If you begin to diligently pursue that which is lost in your own family, then God is faithful and they’ll come a time by His grace, that you can welcome them home again. Do not forget how happy you felt when the item or person who was lost was found. Well in heaven they throw a party when just one sinner turns back to God. This is a message not just for children but for all people. I think the local church should make far more of the people who turn to Christ, because this is one of the lessons we can learn about God’s reaction to such good news. Being lost in this trilogy of stories (Luke 15) means being away from safety and in a place, you were not meant to be. It means being uninformed about a new way to live. It means not serving God for all the wrong reasons. "Lost" is being where you’re not supposed to be. “Lost” is waking up one day and recognizing that you are out of spiritual touch. We need to know today that God is in the Lost and Found business.
It’s one thing to have a family member who wanders off from the fold (the home) on his or her own free-will. We can’t stop a child from doing that if that is what they choose to do. In this case, we pray that the Good Shepherd will hem them in, snatch them up, and bring them home. But it is another to be lost because of carelessness.
To conclude, if you are reading this today, and you’re out of the Father’s hand; out of spiritual circulation, not connected and therefore not useful in the Kingdom of God. You may be thinking, “I’m not worth very much.” Today is the day; you can be found, placed back into circulation, and be reconnected again with the God who loves you! If that takes place then there is celebrating heaven.
Many believe their purpose in life is to be a good person, to be financially successful, to take care of their families. Whether or not there is a God or a heaven or a hell, or whether the Bible is true is not an issue for them. People who think like that are like that are like the coin in the story we’ve focused on together for these few minutes. They aren’t trying to be lost, but they are lost. But the Good News is that God is in the recue business. Without God stepping up we cannot be found. Remember the coin cannot rescue itself it needs a rescuer! Thanks be to God the Holy Spirit search our hearts and reveals the truth about Christ and ourselves