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Martin's November 2018 Book List

Martin Davie

Below is a summary of the books reviewed in November's Book List

The Dignity Revolution by Daniel Darling

"This book provides an excellent introduction to the thinking about how Christians can make a difference to the way in which people are viewed and treated in contemporary society."

Modern Technology and the Human Future: A Christian Appraisal by Craig M Gay

"This is an important Christian contribution to thinking about the implications of modern technological development. Strongly recommended."

From Chaos to Cosmos: Creation to New Creation by Sidney Greidanus

"Very valuable for second or third year theological students who want to move on from introductory material, who will gain a greater appreciation of the chaos-cosmos theme."

Creation and Doxology: The Beginning and End of God's Good World by Gerald Hiestand and Todd Wilson (eds)

"This is a fascinating collection of high quality essays which will be of interest to anyone who wants to be stimulated to think more deeply about the nature of the Christian doctrine of creation and its implications for Christians in the modern world."

The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God's Mercy by Tim Keller

"A detailed Christian exposition of what the theological issues raised by the Book of Jonah mean for us today in terms of our relationship with God and how this should express itself in evangelism and in social and political activity. Highly recommended."

Prince of Peace in a World of Wars: Applying the Message of God's Love to a Needy World by David Kerrigan

"This is a stimulating series of reflections which will be of value to anyone who wants to consider issues of peace from a biblical perspective."

How to Pray by C S Lewis

"This is a book that is well worth reading oneself, but also well worth buying to lend, or give away, to enquirers, to new Christians, or to more established Christians who are struggling with what prayer is about and how they might be able to pray better."

The Legacy of David Broughton Knox by Edward Loane

"This book will be of interest to anyone who wants to understand Knox’s theology and the impact his legacy has had on Moore College and the Diocese of Sydney, and the development of twentieth and twenty first century Anglicanism."

Anglican Elders? by Ed Moll

"Anyone who is interested in thinking afresh about what ministry should look like in a local Anglican context today will find that Moll’s book will give them the resources they need to point them in the right direction."

Christ the Heart of Creation by Rowan Williams

"Those who have already got some theological expertise will find studying this book a very rewarding experience. It is a model of serious intellectual engagement with the Bible and the Christian tradition. It deserves to be widely read."

The full list can be found here.

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