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Martin's December 2018 Book List

Martin Davie

Below is a summary of the books reviewed in December's Book List

Grounded in Heaven: Recentering Christian Hope and Life on God by Michael Allen

"This is an academically rigorous study and as such, will prove an invaluable resource for teachers and students and for ministers who need material on the heavenly calling of Christians."

A War of Loves: The Unexpected Story of a Gay Activist Discovering Jesus by David Bennett

"This is a profound and moving book that describes how encountering the gospel changed Bennett’s life for ever. It is a is a book that orthodox straight Christians need to read to understand better what it is like to be Christian and same-sex attracted."

The Church and Its Vocation: Lesslie Newbigin's Missionary Ecclesiology by Michael Goheen

"This book is a stimulating study of an important topic. It will be of interest to anyone wanting an introduction to the thought of Lesslie Newbigin, or be pushed to think more deeply about the nature of the Church and its place in the purposes of God."

Hidden in Plain View: Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels and Acts by Lydia McGrew

"This is a fascinating and accessible study that adds another useful weapon to the Christian apologetic arsenal. This is a book which Christians should have to hand."

Exalted Above The Heavens: The Risen And Ascended Christ by Peter Orr

"This book offers a comprehensive survey of what the NT has to say about who Christ now is and what Christ now does. It is a quite detailed study so it will not be suitable for everyone, but it provides an excellent resource for theological teachers, students and ministers."

"This is an extremely helpful handbook that provides those beginning the study of the Reformation formularies the key things that they initially need to know and the most important sources of information they should look at if they want to know more."

Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was, and Who God Has Always Been by Jackie Hill Perry

"This book is a hugely powerful testimony to the grace of God. A book worth reading, meditating on and passing on to others."

Same-Sex Parenting Research: A Critical Assessment by Walter Schumm

"This book is an important contribution to the debate about same-sex parenting and it deserves to be widely read. It takes a long, hard look at the research that is cited in support of same-sex parenting and finds it wanting."

Thinking Through Creation: Genesis 1 and 2 as Tools of Cultural Critique by Christopher Watkin

"This would be a good book to give to a serious enquirer wanting to understand the Christian worldview. It would also make an excellent text for a college course on this subject or for a house group interested in a serious intellectual engagement with the topics."

Can We Trust the Gospels? by Peter J Williams

"A comprehensive, scholarly and yet readable defence of the Gospels’ trustworthiness. An excellent book that can be highly recommended."

The full list can be found here.

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