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Martin's July 2019 Book List

Martin Davie

Below is a summary of the books reviewed in July's Book List

Pentecostals and Charismatics in Britain: An Anthology by Joe Aldred (ed)

"Both those approaching the study of British Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity for the first time and those who want to refresh their understanding of this topic will find much to help them in this collection."

Homeward Bound: A Sabbath Rest for the People of God by Graeme Goldsworthy

"This is an excellent, thought provoking, study that helps us to understand how the idea of the Sabbath rest relates to the overall witness of Scripture."

The Last Things by David Hohne

"Hohne’s work is an illuminating study that shows how the Lord’s Prayer provides the basis for our understanding of what we should pray for in terms of the coming of God’s kingdom."

Forgiveness: A Practical and Pastoral Companion by Anthony Priddis

"Priddis’ book explores in detail what forgiveness involves and can therefore be highly recommended as a book which all Christians should read."

Sabbath Rest: The Beauty of God's Rhythm for a Digital Age by Mark Scarlata

"The book will be helpful for individual Christians wanting to understand better the importance of the Sabbath, but it would also make a good basis for group study or for a sermon series."

George Whitefield: The First Transatlantic Revivalist by Nigel Scotland

"Scotland draws on a wide range of primary and secondary sources and engages with the thinking of contemporary scholarship regarding Whitefield, but he does so in a way that is accessible to the non-specialist reader. If there is one modern biography of Whitefield people most ought to buy, this is probably it."

Anglican Evangelists: Identifying and Training a New Generation by Martyn Snow

"Not everyone will agree with all that is said in the essays, but everyone who reads the book will have been pushed to think harder about what our evangelists should be doing, how they should be doing it, and what sort of training they require."

Christianity in the Twentieth Century by Brian Stanley

"A thorough exploration of how twentieth-century Christianity was shaped by its interaction with a range of social, cultural and political forces."

Plugged In: Connecting your Faith with Everything you Watch, Read, and Play by Dan Strange

"This book is a very important resource that is useful for individual study, but would also be useful for study in a home group, or as the basis for a sermon series."

Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes: Honor and Shame in Paul's Message and Mission by Jackson W

"This is not a book for those starting their study of Romans, but it is a book that more advanced students will find stimulating and enriching."

The full reviews can be found here.

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