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Martin's April 2020 Book List

Martin Davie

Below is a summary of the books reviewed by Martin in April

Andy Angel, The Jesus You Really Didn’t Know: Rediscovering the Teaching Ministry of Jesus.

This book is a salutary warning that we cannot simply teach God’s unconditional love and acceptance. It is a book that deserves to be widely read and its message needs to be widely disseminated.

Vince Bantu, A Multitude of All Peoples: Engaging Ancient Christianity's Global Identity.

This book is a very helpful study of the global spread of Christianity. It needs to be read by those studying Church History and by anyone else who wants to understand why it is incorrect to see Christianity as solely the religion of the West.

Peter Leithart, The Gospel of Matthew Through New Eyes 2 vols: Jesus as Israel.

This is a commentary that theological students will find extremely helpful in their studies, that ministers will consult time and again when preaching on Matthew, and that lay Christians will enjoy reading as they seek to understand the Bible better.

Alister McGrath, Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification.

In order to understand contemporary scholarship with regard to justification it is to this edition of Iustitia Dei that students must now turn.

John Peckham, The Doctrine of God: Introducing the Big Questions.

This book will be very useful for students studying theology who are approaching the doctrine of God for the first time, and also for those who studied theology some time ago and who now want a refresher course on this topic.

The full reviews can be found here

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