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The Eight Fold Path (in a way)

Ed Moll

Latimer Trust recently held a major consultation in which invited guests joined Latimer’s Staff, Council and Trustees to consider what might be the major issues facing the church. We wanted to think through how Latimer’s ministry of bringing biblical truth to Today’s Church would help everyday Christians and their churches to respond in a changing world.

The day affirmed that need for Latimer’s ministry is still urgent – indeed little changed since its foundation in the mid 20th century. We are still writing on what I like to call ‘Principled Anglicanism’, understanding how the historic and biblical roots of our evangelical faith shape theology and practice for today’s church. That need remains unchanged. We continue also to write about the areas around human sexuality, as these are critical for the Anglican church’s witness around the world today.

The Vision Day also highlighted eight additional areas in which we need to be writing, thinking and speaking in order to provide biblical resources for the Anglican church of today.

Eight New Themes for Today’s Church (and tomorrow’s)

A. Religious Freedom (this is not the same as Freedom of Speech)

B. Spiritual Dimensions of Power and Abuse.

C. Authority, Obedience and Working Together

D. Decision-making and Compromise

E. Separation

F. Credible Anglicanisms.

G. Responding to Global Movements and Migration

H. Other Contemporary Pastoral Challenges eg environment, ageing, repentance.

If you have a proposal or a written piece of 10,000-20,000 words on any of the following topic areas, please do get in touch via the website. If you have an idea and want to discuss it further, please do also get in touch. If together we can be of benefit and service to the church, let’s be in touch!

Latimer Trust (among others of course) is already writing on the ninth topic area, Sexuality; there is always more to say on this, and if you have something to consider do get in touch, especially if there is an Anglican angle, whether local or global.

Ed Moll is Vicar of Wembdon and Vice-Chair of Trustees of Latimer Trust

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