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A Basic Christian Primer on Sex, Marriage and Family life

A Basic Christian Primer on Sex, Marriage and Family life


We live in an age in which there is widespread confusion about matters to do with sex, marriage, and family life not only in society at large, but also within the Christian

The purpose of this new Primer is to address this confusion by providing clergy and laity alike with a basic introduction to what the Christian faith has to say about these matters. it is particularly designed to help Christians to understand the issues that will
be discussed in the Church of England following the publication of the Living in Love and Faith material in late 2020.
The Primer explains in clear terms the basis of a Christian approach to these matters, and then goes on to look at what Christianity has to say about marriage, singleness, friendship, intersex and transgender, sex outside marriage (including same-sex relationships), divorce and re-marriage, birth control and treatment
for infertility.

  • About the Author

    Martin Davie is a theological consultant for the Church of England Evangelical Council and the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life. He also teaches doctrine at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.

  • Info

    60 Pages - ISBN 978-1-906327-63-7

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