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British Values and the National Church: Essays on Church & State from 1964-2014

British Values and the National Church: Essays on Church & State from 1964-2014

SKU: LS19_2
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'The religious traditions of Great Britain are in the main Christian'. So says the law of the land, but recent crises are exposing the vulnerability of those traditions to the manipulation of those with other agendas.


Canon Max Warren’s three lectures on ‘The Functions of a National Church’ were delivered in 1963. At the time, he was ahead of many of his colleagues in his thinking about the role of the Church of England. Warren’s insightful lectures offer much material for discussion. In the first edition of this study (The Functions of a National Church by Max Warren and Raymond Johnston) the three lectures were accompanied by an introduction by Raymond Johnston regarding the theological basis for a National Church; in this second edition, David Holloway follows the trajectory up to the present day with a discussion of 'British Values'.

  • Edited by

    David Holloway

  • Info

    ISBN: 978 1 906327 29 3

    44 pages