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Euthanasia: A Christian Evaluation

Euthanasia: A Christian Evaluation

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In most Western countries as well as in others, the issue of euthanasia is being discussed from time to time and with varying degrees of intensity. What arguments are put forward around such decisions, and how should they be evaluated?


Obviously the religious perspective or world view and convictions about man, life, suffering, death, medicine etc. largely shape the answers to these questions. This booklet discusses the issue from a Christian point of view. Others have done this before, but living in a society that continually changes, Christians have to reconsider old issues time and again to be able to respond adequately, applying anew the Word of God to the new challenges put before them. This is attempted in this booklet for the subject of euthanasia

  • Author

    Henk Jochemsen

  • Info

    ISBN: 978 0 946307 45 6

    40 pages