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Jesus Through Other Eyes: Christology in Multi-Faith Context

Jesus Through Other Eyes: Christology in Multi-Faith Context

£1.75 Regular Price
£0.50Sale Price

“Jesus is not the property of the Church, but is, as it were, a world figure in his own right.” Lamb argues that Christians must seek to understand how members of other World Faiths regard the central figure of Christianity. He examines how Islam, Hinduism and Judiasm view Jesus and asks how the Christian can live out the meaning of the Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus in a multi-cultural, multi-faith world

  • Author

    Christopher Lamb has many years experience of working in a multi-faith context, both with the Church Mission Society and from 1992 to 1999 as Inter-Faith Secretary for the Church of England

  • Info

    ISBN: 978 0 946307 13 5

    36 pages